5 Dental Issues That Can Be Fixed Gradually Without Anyone Noticing

Claire Mendoza
4 min readOct 4, 2021

Back in my days, no one liked the idea of wire braces. They looked horrible, were painful, difficult to clean, and, thankfully (for the children, not so much for the parents), expensive.

But that’s not the case in these times. For some reason this generation thinks they’re fashionable, to the extent that fake ones are being sold. Go figure!

Real braces are supposed to correct teeth defects, and folks are out there wearing fake ones over their perfectly good teeth. I guess only a Psychologist can explain that bit of weirdness to us.

For those who actually have a need for wire braces but are still part of the increasingly diminishing percentage that loathes them, there’s a more attractive, less noticeable alternative. Cue clear aligners!

Photo by Enis Yavuz on Unsplash

Clear aligners are used to do the same job as braces, only with a better experience for the user. Just like wire braces, clear aligners help to straighten and position teeth according to your individual needs.

Here’s a list of dental issues that clear aligners can be used to correct:

  • Underbite teeth — This is when your bottom teeth extend farther than your top teeth. In some cases, underbites are hardly noticeable to outsiders and you only see them when you smile.

Then there are those cases where your jaw is so misaligned that even when you close your mouth the protrusion shows. Some people even have it so severe that it’s hard to keep their mouths closed!

  • Overbite teeth — This is basically the opposite of the underbite look as your upper teeth stick out further than the lower, but it is more common than underbites.
Photo by Quang Tri NGUYEN on Unsplash

If you used to suck your thumb or fingers, then chances are you have overbite teeth — and just like the underbites, that can be very unattractive.

Again, in severe cases, you may even find it difficult to keep your mouth closed.

  • Crossbite teeth — Ever heard anyone comment about other people that their teeth were probably thrown into their mouth at random? Well, there you have the picture of crossbite teeth.

Crossbites are so misaligned that the upper teeth actually fit inside the lower teeth. What a vision!

Fortunately, it’s not always noticeable to the naked eye since at times it takes place in the back of the mouth and not the front.

But it’s still worth correcting because it may affect your eating. Ya don’t wanna keep biting your tongue!

Photo by Candid on Unsplash
  • Gaps — Now, this can be attractive if placed in the right part of your mouth. If your gap is just between your two immediate upper front teeth, then that’s probably going to work!

For some it’s seen as a good trait, and others just don’t like it and think it needs to go, even if it’s genetic and practically harmless.

To each their own.

Then there are the gaps that appear between more than just the two upper front teeth. You may notice spaces between other teeth, and this can be a painful problem as food becomes stuck in there and bacteria start to grow.

  • Crooked teeth — Nobody likes crooked teeth. When you think of crooked teeth, again the picture of teeth being thrown into random parts of your mouth comes into play.

And that’s exactly what it looks like: teeth out of place and sometimes overlapping each other. It’s not a pretty sight at all.

All of the above issues normally require wire braces, but clear aligners can also work. The best part about them is no one has to notice the corrective process that you’re going through — and it’s less painful, too!

Photo by lafayett zapata montero on Unsplash

So, if you fall into any of the above categories, go ahead and have your dentist fix you up with some clear aligners. You won’t regret it!

