Get Healthy The Right Way — 6 Gorgeous Benefits Of Having A Wellness Coach

Claire Mendoza
4 min readOct 4, 2021

Wellness Coach.

Fitness Trainer.

Lifestyle Advisor.

Health Counselor.

Personal Development Strategist.

Whatever name they happen to go by, they have something we all need sometimes.

The right attitude, the right approach, and a will to keep on trying — no matter how hard it gets.

It’s not easy to get healthy in a world that seems to always be pushing us towards unhealthy choices.

It takes more than just making the decision to do better — it requires know-how, determination, and sometimes even a complete change of lifestyle.

You might not require that many changes. Maybe all you need is to make some better choices, eat a different diet, or live a bit more of an active lifestyle.

Photo by Christopher Campbell on Unsplash

That’s between you and your wellness coach… or fitness trainer… or lifestyle advisor.

What I do know are some of the very real benefits they can offer.

Depending on your needs, and your coach, they can vary a lot — but here are a few of my favorite advantages.

1.Improved Mood

This isn’t what most people go to a wellness coach for, but it’s one of the most common benefits anyways.

When you’re putting in the effort to work on yourself, and you know you’ve got someone backing you up, it can make an enormous difference to every part of your life.

You’ll find yourself smiling more, laughing more, and generally having more confidence in yourself.

I know I did.

2. A Diet You Can Stick To

Yes, I know, I said the “D” word — but hear me out.

A diet doesn’t have to be the kind of highly restrictive and unpleasant thing you’re probably used to seeing.

If you find the right life advisor, they can help you to make a customized plan that fits your needs and your desires.

Any diet that you feel the need to cheat on is no good anyway — and there are better ways to get in shape.

This brings me to my next point.

3. Personalized Planning

We are not all the same — and our health requirements aren’t either.

If you just pick a fad diet or exercise routine off the internet, it could help you… or it could cause you more problems.

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

A skilled fitness advisor will start by giving you a comprehensive assessment that covers all aspects of your life — and they’ll use that to make a plan that suits you personally.

You should expect to be asked about all kinds of things that will have a bearing on your needs — including your lifestyle, medical history, and genetics.

4. Fatigue Strategies

No matter how good your diet, fitness plan, and lifestyle guidelines are, you’ll still get tired of them sometimes.

The best coaches know this, and they plan for it.

They can provide you with proven strategies to help you get past your fatigue point and keep on working.

5. Holistic Perspective

You’re more than just what you eat, or how you exercise.

This is probably the number one reason why having a good coach is essential — they can consider all of the factors together.

It could be that your poor quality sleep is causing your fatigue — or your lack of certain nutrients — but just doing exercises you found on the internet will never help that.

The best advisors will be able to pinpoint problem areas that you likely didn’t even realize were holding you back — and then help you to solve them.

6. Overall Health

While this is the main goal of getting a professional wellness coach, as you can see it’s far from the only benefit.

It is an important one though — healthy people suffer from less illness, live longer, and are usually happier.

After working with a coach you’ll be able to do more than ever before — and still feel full of energy.

There’s a reason good wellness coaches are always so energetic and peppy — that’s what happens when you live a healthy lifestyle.

Your health matters, but the only person who can take care of it is you.

That doesn’t mean you have to do it alone though.

We have experts in all kinds of fields, from engineering to medicine, and they help us to accomplish all the things we can’t do on our own.

Photo by Emma Simpson on Unsplash

So find yourself a fantastic personal lifestyle advisor — and use their expertise to become a better you.

You’re worth it.

